Georgia Bizios, FAIA Featured in Internationally-Recognized AIA Exhibition

We are pleased to share with you a recent honor. Georgia Bizios, principal emerita at Grant Bizios Architecture, has received recognition as a featured designer in the AIANC print publication, Say It Loud.  In addition, a virtual Say It Loud exhibition was launched in May of 2021 and features four local projects by Georgia Bizios. CLICK HERE to view the virtual exhibition.

Hosted locally by the North Carolina National Organization of Minority Architects (NCNOMA) and the American Institute of Architects, North Carolina chapter (AIANC), Say It Loud is an internationally-recognized virtual exhibition endeavoring to celebrate the contributions of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and women within the fields of design, architecture, engineering and planning.

When asked what inspires her about the profession, Georgia writes, “The multifaceted nature of architecture – humanistic, artistic, environmental, and technical. The uniqueness of each project and continuous learning. The conviction that our work can positively affect human lives and the environment daily and over time.”

Georgia Bizios gained her licensure in 1976, when less than 4% of registered architects in the U.S. were women. In 2001, she was recognized as a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, an honor bestowed to only 3% of the AIA current membership. We are proud to work with and learn from an industry trailblazer. CLICK HERE to view the virtual exhibition.